Welcome to Space for Yew CIC

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About Us

Space for Yew is a non profit Community Interest Company founded in 2024 to support neurodivergent adults, children and families. Our mission is to prevent isolation and enhance mental wellbeing.

We offer the following services; 

Weekly Family Stay, Play and Learn sessions for families with children aged 0-8 - part of ESCC SEND Local Offer delivered in Ninfield and Etchingham.

All sessions are child led with sensory play, arts and crafts, games and informal learning opportunities. We tailor activities to meet the diverse needs of the families attending that week.

FREE monthly Coffee & Art mornings are aimed at parents/carers that are neurodivergent or have neurodivergent children. A great opportunity to meet like minded people in a supportive and creative space. 

We also offer training and wellbeing social sessions throughout the year for all ages.

We support children that can't access formal education, that are on part time timetables, awaiting school placements, electively home educated and children that are in school.

We are very excited to be launching our new project 'Nature Based Connections' with a Forest School ethos in Autumn 2025.

Staff all have lived and professional experience of neurodivergence including Autism, PDA and ADHD. 


My child doesn’t have a formal diagnosis, can they still attend?

Yes, if you suspect your child is neurodivergent or part of a neurodivergent family they can attend

What age is this suitable for?

We recommend ages 0-8 however you know your child best. We have some older siblings attend and provide activities to meet their needs too.

We adapt all of our sessions based on the booked ages/developmental needs.

My child has speech and language needs, what support do you offer?

Supporting Speech, Language and Communication needs is incredibly important to us.

We are currently developing our Early Intervention support.

We use communication in print (Widgit) to create communication supports such as Now and Next boards.

Staff have received basic training in Sign Supported English.

My child’s home educated can they attend?

Yes, whether you electively home educate or have been left with no other option – your child is welcome here

Do we have to stay for the whole 2 hours?

No, yourself and child(ren) are welcome to drop in and leave whenever works best for you.

Please note – parents are to stay with children at all times. This is not a drop off

Is there parking?

Yes, All of the venues we use have their own car park

Can we bring our own drinks and snacks?

Yes, you are welcome to bring your own however we do have snacks and drinks available for all children and adults at no extra cost

Why is ‘you’ spelt ‘yew’?

It’s a play on words, Yew is for the ancient Yew trees that are across rural Rother.

Our logo was inspired by our project ‘Nature Based Connections’ as we know that being outdoors has many health benefits and can support regulation and enrich sensory experiences. 


“It was really wonderful to be in a place where I knew my children’s behaviours would be ok. It was actually very emotional to be in a place where I knew we were being understood and supported” 

“Great place for SEN children, and ASD children, Any children with learning difficulties to be themselves and stay play and feel themselves of who they really are in a world who sees them so different, a very good place for them and also parents as well environmentally friendly as well”

“Absolutely wonderful groups, love that they’re small, love the attention to detail in terms of noting children’s needs and preferences”

“Katie, I can’t thank you enough for how wonderful you were with my children. Being somewhere where we fitted in felt really good. You understood R incredibly well and made sure that I was supported as well as my children. Thank you !!!”

“It has been so hard to find activities to do with D due to her needs. Her PDA makes it difficult to even get her out the front door let alone get involved with doing different things. With the correct encouragement, she was helped to get involved in multiple activities and she had the best time. It is a very rare occurrence that I am able to sit down and relax whilst out, but I did and D enjoyed herself so much!”

“You have created such a unique opportunity for our children to be themselves. And us as parents to be judgement-free for a little while. Thankyou so, so much”

“We love the sessions they are such a relief to us such a welcoming space that is unmatched.”

“Having a place where you know behaviours are understood, and people just get it is so needed! It was a wonderful, warm session and we will definitely be back. “

“I am so grateful for finding Space for Yew as finding places that truly accept my child and allow him the space to be, play and socialise has been impossible! The activities are well thought out and the space is always accepting and calm.”

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Space for Yew CIC
Forewood Rise
TN33 9AH